Look at this treasure I found at Goodwill on Saturday for $9.99.

So I decided to make a bulletin board for my kitchen/great room. The following is a list of items needed for this project:
1. Beautiful ornate frame :)
2. Corkboard
3. Spray paint (I used ivory satin from Walmart)
4. Burnt Umber craft paint
5. Hot glue gun
6. Nails and hammer
7. Tacs for bulletin board
I started off with a few coats of spray paint on my frame. After those dried completely I watered down the craft paint a lot and brushed it on. I immediately wiped it off with a paper towel. This brought out all the detail and imperfections.
Then, my hubby cut down the cork board to size and I hot glued into the frame and then added nails as well to strengthen it. That is seriously it! Hang it on the wall and enjoy! Here are some pictures